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    Verily's Verb Surgical spinoff is keeping quiet about its plans to build next-generation surgical robotics, providing few details about its collaboration with Johnson & Johnson since it teamed up with the company back in March. But now one of Google's former scientists, Babak Parviz, is opening up about the technology and offering a rare glimpse at the company's innovation process.

  Verb Surgical公司一直在悄悄计划开发新一代的手术机器人,自从三月份同强生公司合作后其仅对合作提供了一部分细节,但如今,谷歌公司之前的一位科学家Babak Parviz正在进行新型技术开发,并且为公司的创新性过程提供一个最为难得的机会。
  Back in 2010, Parviz, who now works at Amazon, joined Alphabet's Google X division to develop its Google Glass wearable computer, but also laid out some ideas for creating robots for the operating room. One plan included making autonomous surgical robots that could operate through a joystick and make fine-tuned movements to facilitate surgeries.
  2010年,Babak Parviz供职于Amazon公司,而Amazon公司已经加入到了Alphabet的Google X部门用于开发谷歌眼镜可穿戴计算机,同时其也提出了一些开发用于手术室的机器人的一些想法,其中一项计划就是制造自主的手术机器人,通过操控杆来进行手术操作,同时协助外科医生完成手术过程。
  "We rely on the dexterity of human surgeons but now we know machines are quite a bit more precise than humans," Parviz told Medium. "Using a machine opens up opportunities for surgeries that are not even possible with a normal human hand."
  Implementing surgical robots could also result in quick procedures and faster response times. Traditional surgery is "fundamentally limited by how fast humans can make a decision, and how fast humans can mechanically move an instrument," Parviz said. A surgical robot could spot problems like a leaking blood vessel and correct the situation much faster than a human, and could also make quick incisions that result in less blood loss for patients, Medium reports.
  The technology also holds big implications for developing communities. Machines are more scalable, Parviz pointed out, and a good machine surgeon could be replicated and deployed to give people better access to care.Verb seems to see potential in Parviz's early musings. The company recently said that it "aims to develop a comprehensive surgical solutions platform that will incorporate leading-edge robotic capabilities and best-in-class medical device technology for operating room professionals." Still, Verb is not revealing many financial details about its work with Johnson & Johnson's Ethicon surgical division, even though optimism for the project abounds.
  目前这项技术对于发展中国家有较大的应用价值,Verb公司似乎看到了研究者Babak Parviz早期的想法,公司最近表示,他们的目的是开发综合性的手术方案解决平台,该平台或将前沿的机器人能力和一流的医疗设备技术在实验室中进行整合。
  "We believe Verb Surgical has the potential to change the future of surgery, not just robotic surgery," Gary Pruden, worldwide chairman of Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices, said in a statement. "The team has already made meaningful progress on the robotics platform, which is being developed for application across a host of surgical specialties."
  强生医疗器械公司全球主席Gary Pruden在一份声明中指出,我们相信,Verb Surgical公司有潜力改变外科手术的未来,而并不仅仅是机器人外科手术,目前研究小组在机器人平台的开发上已经取得了实质性的进步。
  A foray into surgical robotics helps Verily cash in on a growing market. The market for surgical robots will grow to $20 billion by 2021, according to WinterGreen market research numbers cited by Medium. Other companies such as Intuitive Surgical and Stryker are already making progress in the field, even though cost and safety issues presented some obstacles along the way.
  涉足外科手术机器人领域可以帮助Verily在日益增长的市场上大赚一笔,截至2021年外科手术机器人市场将增加到200亿美元,其它公司,比如Intuitive Surgical和Stryker两家公司目前在这一领域也取得了巨大的进步。
  Verb could have a long road ahead as it works to gain traction with its surgical robot technology. "By no means I'm saying this is immediate, by no means I'm saying this is easy, by no means I'm saying this is even going to be cheap initially," Parviz said, as quoted by Medium. "At least for the foreseeable future, we'll have human surgeons making decisions, but the machine will execute depending on what the surgeon has decided."

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